W Kurs in Studienkolleg in Germany is for all management related Bachelors degree programs in Germany. They have more than 33 types of Management courses such as Study Abroad Taxation, Economics, Financial Management, Human Resource management, Business Administration and Analytics, Marketing Management, International Business and Marketing, Hospitality Management, Sports Management, Communication and PR, Business management, Luxury and Fashion management are just the hot selling courses in Germany.
W Kurs gives you the pathway for further entering into free education system of Germany. You can choose your desired course freely study abroad. You study in any University you like.
Getting there is easy and cost effective. We will be preparing you for Language in India till A2 only, as it is believed by German Institutions that to do from B1 to C1 over there will be best choice as you will get perfect cultural exposure and use the Deutsch language in everyday life, which is why it is easier to study abroad the language in Germany.