Study MBBS courses in Germany

Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students is the most popular option for all medical students though we have variety of other courses to offer such as Bachelors of Biotechnology in Germany, Bachelors in Medical Management, Bachelors in Medicine technology and equipment, Bachelors in Physics, chemistry or Biophysics or Biochemistry or Bioinformatics etc.

STUDY ABROAD free MBBS IN GERMANY FOR INDIAN, Russian, Malaysian, Indonesian and Bangadesh students. our fachhochschule university is the only university which is providing direct Studienkolleg to medical and engineering students after 12th class from Asian countries like India.

Now no need to go on only German language courses to study abroad and waste your time!! We will train you for A1 and A2 and then we will get you admission for Studienkolleg M and Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students.

Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students and is now popular in Asian countries. As students from many countries around the world are attracted towards Germany which is known for providing free bachelors and masters or MBBS and MD free of cost after Language course which includes Studienkolleg Medical as well and that is the reasong why students are getting attracted towards this to study free MBBS and MD in Germany . One has to provide just one year fees that too all the amount will be paid in one go but can be done in Two instalments of after every 1 month before leaving your native country. Large number of students who are looking for Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students are going to Germany because the residency is easy there and settlement is most promising than rest of the world. However, in reality, free MBBS in Germany is not completely free. Study abroad free MBBS in Germany includes learning the whole structure of medical science, Subject expert, terminologies and sit for Feststellungsprufung as well. Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students and Armenian, Georgian, Romanian and Albanian students. As we are operating free of cost so students from all countries like to get our free services for admission now.

The best thing about Germany is we don’t have any competitive exams but we have license exams. SO RELAX!!

With the expectancy of knowledge at level of highest proficiency for medical studies and Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students for which one requires deep knowledge on patient interaction or for writing prescriptions and for working knowledge of German technical and medical language in hospitals. German medical education is for those who wants to study MBBS in Germany and thus it offers a wide variety of programs to international students as we have courses after 12th class or after graduation i.e. MBBS, BDS, BPT or even after masters i.e. MD, MDS, MPT. Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students at medical schools in Germany is not in English. There is a huge list of medical colleges in Germany to Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students. There are many German medical universities for international students which even offer post graduate medical education in Germany along with MBBS. Free MBBS education in India is a myth but free medical education in Germany is a reality for more than 1000ths of students. So why to wait!!? Pick up your cell phones and call us directly. We will train you in mainframe. Visa is assured with our eligibility criteria specially designed for medical students from India. We understand so we train you on every aspect.

We at Advisetree are taking care of whole Asia, East Europe and Africa medical admissions from India that too at nominal service fee of 260 Euros with the help of Advisetree a platform where all the medical students of India and abroad join hands for free career advice and join best Language courses + Studienkolleg courses in Germany at huge discounts and scholarships in Germany; which is the biggest university with 30 campuses in Germany now for medical students across the world and in India. We have a lot of students from Delhi, Kerala, Bangalore, Mangalore, Gujarat, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar pardesh and Haryana who have now completed their studies and settled down.

Any kind of Medical studies in Germany is practical, high quality and uniquely designed. Medical colleges in Germany for international students as well as medical schools in Germany for international students are highly reputed in the Global arena. Germany is the best option in case of MBBS in Europe for Indian students. Free medicine study in Germany at medical universities Germany is no more just a dream as we are here to provide you all with low cost Studienkolleg M and conditional letter.


Germany is safe, modern and a cosmopolitan country where a great diversity of cultures influences many. It is a country which is rich in its natural beauty. Berlin as the capital city and Frankfurt as the city that controls international finances. The Rhine is the longest river in the country. Germany has the largest population among all the countries in Europe. Germany is a part of European Union (EU). It offers very clear immigration policies for the international students wishing to work there. People of Germany love to celebrate carnivals in traditional style. Germany is acclaimed as one of the best centers for learning in the world which offers medical programs. One can study medicine in Germany in English as well as German language. There is free MBBS education in Germany also for which we take more than 250+ students of medical students intake every semester.


  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • Foundation for Advancement of International
  • Medical Education and Research (FAIMER)
  • European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

What is the eligibility criterion of doing direct Medical Studienkolleg and Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students?

We take students directly in University and start their medical education with a2 to c1 + Studienkolleg and FSP. So the basic eligibility criteria is doing A1 German language + A2 german language in India with atleast giving Goethe exams.

COST to Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students
CostsStudienkollegBasic Medical Science    Clinical ScienceAFTER DEGREE
 Year-0-1Year-2Year-3Year-4Year-5Year-6 JOB IN HOSPITAL
Total expenditure€490000INTERNSHIP is there in these 6 years00GERMAN MEDICAL LICENSE
Living CostHostel can be provided which is chargeableThe living cost would be €350-580 approx per month. However, the students are allowed to work for 20 Hours a week with an average wage of €8-20per hour. This income takes care of the monthly living expenses in Germany. However, in 1st year they should not work. 
TOTAL€4900Insurance – package excludedtransport card excludedre-sitting of any exam or course extraFood expense – 200 – 260 Euros   


Germany provides excellent education for medicine students and for those who have to Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students. The level of education at German universities is very high and worlds best medical educational institutions. Germans are the leaders in medical technology and medical equipment. Germany provides the best and most cost-effective study abroad option for aspiring overseas students.



Germany is offering the students cost-effective studies not just for their national students but for the international students also. If you are tired of giving NEET again and again and couldn’t find any way. We have a perfect solution for you all to live your dream and become a doctor or a specialized doctor from Germany.

Study in Germany or doing MBBS, MD, SPECILIZATION in Germany is very easy , we just need a student who has scored more than 70% in their +2, MBBS, BDS, MDS OR BPT. You need not go for high cost courses but we will get you German language course which includes Studienkolleg in Germany. You will be directly going for this and we will get you admission letter from Public University as well.

Talking about Germany University of Applied Sciences is providing you the programme named PSP. That is a pre-study programme. The programme is of 2 types 1 is PSP-CLSSICAL, This is for the students who has just completed their +2 or diploma. Then we have PSP-PROFESSIONAL, this is for the students who has done or completed their graduation.

In the very first year the student from India would go for language and studienkolleg after which they will do free bachelors in Surgery and Medicine as the doctor studies will start and would be able to go for medical training, hospital visits and simulations from their 4th year during the studies. Study Abroad Practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge is concerned, and the most important thing the student or the doctor will be able to learn all the medical terminologies in German language. This will help you to understand the patients and his/her problems or their health issue. You will be also studying for your Medical License exams that is Fachsprachsprufung. You will get this license after you complete your studies.

Taking about the German universities which are W.H.O and M.C.I approved as well as recognised by these two organizations worldwide that is why they are considered best options to Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students.

At the end you need to understand that to be German medical doctor you would require to write prescription, talk in German language, live this language every minute if you are planning to Study MBBS courses in Germany for Indian Students only once you do Professional Medicine Course for MBBS/ BDS PSP after MBBS/ MDS or Physiotherapy BPT in Germany.


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